Media and Press

We’d love to hear from you.

Sign up with the form below to join our growing media community! Also, be sure to join our discord. Once joined, announce that you’re a reviewer and we’ll add you to a press-specific private channel.

Be aware that we are a small publisher and our review copies are extremely limited. So even if we’re not ready to give you a copy today, doesn’t mean we can’t in the future. When deciding on who to give games to, we look for an active community of followers and interaction — this means we care more about the quality of your audience than the size.

We’re actively looking to support people in marginalized communities who love games. Let us know if we can help you get your voice heard as a game reviewer or content creator in the tabletop space, especially if you’re just getting started in this awesome hobby. Let’s make great things happen, together!

PRESS Signup!

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